While my previous methodology focused more on a strict timeline of things to do over the next two semesters, I want to emphasize that there is still flexibility and room for exploration (in moderation) within my thesis. The topic of historic preservation which is the main focus of my thesis has many different avenues and subjects within itself. I could easily become completely overwhelmed with reading, precedent studies, etc. What I need to do is allow myself to travel down some of these paths but always try to find a way to bring myself back to the task at hand. While tangents can be exciting in the journey and possibly helpful in the discovery, too much straying from the path leads only to confusion, loss of precious time and exasperation.
As an image, your methodology timeline is very dynamic, and the different widths of the paper-like strips convey a clear sense of hierarchy. However, I don't yet understand what that hierarchy is, nor how the colors are meant to enhance. The image would be stronger, too, if the text in the back was either more selective, or integrated into the paper-strip form itself.